About Me

嗨,我是 Peggy,我喜愛學習新的事物。最近正在學寫程式,主要以前端網頁程式為主。我也曾經自學烘焙跟毛線勾針娃娃,因此我非常感謝網路上所提供的免費資源,這也是我想要提供微不足道的貢獻到網路上的主要原因。如果你曾覺得我的文章對你有幫助,我會非常開心的。

我同時也是一位貓奴。我有三隻可愛的貓,分別叫做 Sushi、Bento、Mochi。

如果您需要聯絡我,請在右方側邊欄的 Contact Me 留下您的姓名、email 信箱、及訊息。

Hi, I'm Peggy Chiang, I like to learn new things. I'm learning coding lately, mainly focusing on frontend. I taught myself baking and amigurami (yarn crocheted doll), and I greatly appreciate all the free resources offering on the Internet, that's why I'd like to contribute a tiny bit to the Internet as well. If you ever found my blog posts useful, I'd be very glad. 

I'm also a cat lover. I have three adorable girl cats, and their names are Sushi, Bento, Mochi. 

If you want to contact me, please leave your name, email address, and message in the Contact box located on the right side bar.